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Admin's Featured Poem Pick of the Week for August 30, 2004

" Olu Deniz "

The sun is a blood orange, occasionally blinding
through distant branches of pines.
Evening breeze; fragrance of frankincence and rose,
the faintest suggestion of the first star over turquoise sea.

I am falling, in a kaleidoscope of fractal silk;
falling, and the silver scimitar of the bay below
calls me to drown in deepest sapphire.
This music winds around my heart; the muezzin,
the tall spires of the mosques.

I am arms overhead overboard.
Sailing, held weightless in water as salty as
your beautiful mouth, sunstroked into this
most ancient of emotions.
Seni seviyorum, I will love you forever.

Let me wander around this exotic bazaar,
touching the unknown, splashed with lemon water
and daubed carelessly with henna.
I cannot decipher these voices, swim with me
to the island in the bay, I have become Cleopatra.

Hoist bright sails to the morning winds,
remember the blue of the sky, it is reflected
in every glance that meets your tawny eyes.
Pick the ripest pomegranite, hold in your palm
the fullness of the fruit;
press, let spill the rubies.
Seni seviyorum, I will love you forever.

© 2004 Vienna (Carole Barley)

* This Week's Honorable Mentions:

* Honorable Mentions are in no particular order.

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